Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Between living in the tropics and getting home from the hospital five days before Christmas Eve, this year's Holidays were not exactly what one would call "traditional." But they were definitely what I would call "wonderful."

Our decorations were homemade by our friends and their children who put everything up while we were away (including the fantastic felt tree, complete with hand-cut star and ornaments).  

For Christmas Eve dinner, we had Pizza Hut. On Christmas morning, we went to church, sang carols, and remembered the birth of the Savior. Then we came home and spent the afternoon on the computer "skype-ing" family and friends in the US and eating treats.

We were so overwhelmed by the crisis that was December that besides a stuffed soccer ball I brought from the States for Jonathan, we hadn't bought any presents for each other. So we tied a bow around Jonathan, and considered the fact that we still had each other the best gift we could ask for.

And while you wouldn't know it from that picture, Jonathan actually spent most of his first Christmas morning jolly as could be.

That smile melts my heart.

It's interesting that without the traditional pines, or hams, or stockings, or wreaths, or colorfully wrapped presents, or even snow, Christmas was still perfectly beautiful. In fact, I have to admit this unconventional Christmas was the sweetest one I've had. Probably because all that was left was what really makes Christmas (and life, for that matter) special: family, friends, and the birth of Jesus Christ who made it possible for us to have our family and friends forever if we follow Him.

And so as I feel asleep at 11:07 on New Year's Eve like the party animal I am, I committed to my one and only resolution for 2012: to remember the beauty of simplicity, and live accordingly.

Merry Christmas, everyone, and the Happiest of New Years!


  1. Glad Christmas turned out so wonderful after all your trauma. I will agree with you that this Christmas was the most un-conventional, but sweetest. Being away from family I thought it'd be so so hard, but it was actually a beautiful thing to be JUST with Blake in our little apartment.

    I'm so glad you are doing better and life is getting back to normal. I'd definitely say lil' Jonathan is the best Christmas gift of the year.

    Love to you--Jane

  2. Katie, I am so happy you had a wonderful Christmas. We thought about you a lot and you've been in our prayers. We hope that 2012 is wonderful and simple. Love you guys!


